
“A NEW COMMANDMENT I GIVE YOU; LOVE ONE ANOTHER. AS I HAVE LOVED YOU, SO YOU MUST LOVE ONE ANOTHER”.  JOHN 13:34   We are requiring the wearing of masks for all indoor activities at the church, for […]
Jesus calls us to be fully committed to him, his way of life, and his mission in the world.  In short, he calls us to be ‘ALL IN’ because there’s no other way for his people to be!  […]


Mac ‘n cheese for the Least of These!  Macaroni and cheese and “Comet” cleaner are the August focus items for our local mission partner the “Least of These” food pantry.  Pick up some of these items each time […]


  Hilltop Preschool Enrolling Now  Ozark UMC’s Hilltop Preschool (a half-day preschool)  is registering for the 2021-2022 school year.  Click here  to find the class information and the registration forms.  If you would like more information, please contact Hilltop […]
Mark Your Calendar! Starting Wednesday, September 1, and continuing on Wednesday evenings throughout the school year we will be getting together for an all-church evening of intentionally growing in our faith!  We will share a meal together, and […]
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