Holy Week is a time for preparation.  It is a time to remember and tell the story of Jesus, leading up to his death on a Roman cross, all in anticipation of celebrating his resurrection from the grave.  […]


Hey kids!  Join us for an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning following the 1st Worship Service (approximately 9:30 am)  You will have an opportunity to decorate your own bag for collecting the eggs and then go on […]
Holy Week and Easter Services Holy Week is a time for preparation.  It is a time to remember and tell the story of Jesus, leading up to his death on a Roman cross, all in anticipation of celebrating […]
The March focus items for our local mission partner the “Least of These” food pantry are canned Canned Soup & saltine crackers. Pick up some of these items each time you are at the store and bring them […]


Calling all lovers of eggs!   Save your clean, empty egg cartons!   Bring to OUMC and place in donation boxes placed around church. Pastor Jack Short has an egg ministry in which he raises chickens, then gives away the […]
Ozark East Elementary is a ministry partner of Ozark United Methodist Church. We have had the opportunity to reach out and help students and teachers during the past year.  We have the opportunity to help East Elementary students […]


Cub Scout Pack 75 in Ozark, MO is selling their double hickory-smoked hams just in time for Easter this year! Hams are roughly 7-8 lbs and cost $40.  Sales are currently happening now and conclude on March 29th. You can […]


Don’t forget to move your clocks one hour forward the night of Saturday, March 12 for Daylight Savings Time!


As we have done from the beginning of the pandemic, your church council has continued to follow the guidance of the CDC in regard to how we attempt to protect our church and community from the spread of […]
Hilltop Preschool is enrolling now.  Hilltop is a part-time preschool for 3 – 5 year old children.   Click here  to find out more and to find  the fillable paperwork and to pay the $30 registration fee.
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