The December focus items for our local missions partner The Least of These are deodorant and pancake syrup.
The Ozark United Methodist Church invites you to take a breather from the Christmas rush to experience a Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion service on Sunday, December 24 at 4:00 p.m. or  7:00 p.m. Here are some things to […]
Many of us find ourselves doing lots of preparing in the busy December season of lights, tinsel, and wrapping paper.  Yet, what are we really preparing for?  Who are we really preparing for?  This Advent, hear God’s call: “Prepare!” […]


Kids!  Parents! Family Christmas Movie Night December 1st 7:00 pm Bring a chair or blanket and a snack to share!


Game Night  Join us on Wednesday, November 29th for dinner and game night. Dinner will be barbecue meatballs beginning at 5:30.  Bring your favorite card game or board game and join in fellowship and fun!


Join us immediately after worship to help hang the greens on Sunday, November 26th.  We will get our building ready for our visitors for the Christmas season.  Many hands make light work!  We hope to see you there.


This Sunday, November 5, immediately following our worship service, we will gather for a Church Conference to make a decision regarding the restructuring of our church governance to the Simplified Structure as prescribed by the United Methodist Book […]


This year Ozark UMC will be “adopting” families who need a little extra help with Christmas.  Sunday, November 5th will be the day that the Christmas trees with ornaments will be up in the Worship Center.  The ornaments […]


Bring a potluck breakfast dish to share in fellowship with the women of  Ozark UMC Saturday, November 11th @ 9 am.
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