Coffee & Grace Ladies Breakfast  The next Potluck breakfast for women of the church will be on Saturday, September 28th @ 9 am.  Bring a breakfast item to share and join in good food and fellowship!


The Youth Group is on break for now, but  will resume activities on Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 6:30 PM for a Fall Ignite Kickoff event. They will have a bonfire, games, and snacks. Youth are encouraged to invite friends! For more […]
***If bags are not available, you can pick up  a list of needed items in the back of the Worship Center and bring in grocery sacks.  The items are also listed below!    
We know the various foundational teachings and beliefs of our faith; things like Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Redemption, Salvation, as well as faith, hope, and love. We also know that we are called to give ourselves in service to […]
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