We will begin our Wednesday night program on Wednesday, October 9. Dinner will be served at 5:45 pm – 6:30 pm, and small groups will begin at 6:30.
*We have Youth Ministry that meets upstairs in the Youth room
*Sew Blessed meets in room 118. This group of people want to share their love of all things sewing (crocheting & knitting too!) They work to make things and donate to people who have a need for that type of item.
*Pastor Jacob will facilitate a study Auditorium 1 upstairs. The class will use the study from the Epic of Eden series, Deborah, Unlikely Heroes and the Book of Judges. We will be ordering the books soon, so let the office know you would like one, or you can find a copy on Amazon or other book venue. The books we will order will be $15.

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