Stay up to date with the latest announcements.

Holy Week and Easter Services

Holy Week & Easter Services Schedule * Palm Sunday  April 13 at 10:30 am * Maundy Thursday Service & Meal  April 17 at 6 pm (Reservations Required) * Holy Friday Service 7 pm , April 18 * Easter Sunday Services, Sunday April 20 Easter Worship at 8:30 and 11 am


Potluck Dinner- This Sunday

Ozark UMC 5th Sunday Potluck Dinner is this Sunday, March 3oth, immediately following Worship.  Bring a side dish or two to share and join in the fellowship and yummy food.


Hilltop Preschool – Enroll Now

  Hilltop Preschool is enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year on Monday, March 17th.  You can find the enrollment forms and information about classes here.


Holy Thursday – Seder Meal

For over three thousand years Jewish families have celebrated Passover.  Every year Jewish families gather around a table to share a Passover meal together and celebrate God’s deliverance of his people from slavery in Egypt. Jesus celebrated this festival every year of his life.  It was this celebration which was at the center of his […]


Communion Serving Opportunities

We have several opportunities to help Pastor Jacob serve communion.  We have the 1st Sunday in April and Easter morning.  Please click here to sign up!


Exploring Membership Class

If you are newly attending Ozark UMC, or have been attending a while, and would like to know more about who we are, what we believe, ways to get connected, or how to become a member, you are invited to attend our Exploring Membership Class.  We will meet for four Sundays, March 23-April 13, during […]


Lent Sermon Series – “Jesus the Stranger”

Lent forces us to ask ourselves if we are serious about following Jesus.  It is a season that presents us with an opportunity to seek more as we, the Church, emerge out of the darkness of sin’s winter into the springtime of new birth and life through the mercy and grace of Christ, and the […]


Daily Prayer for Lent


Lenten Challenge Calendar

Click on the link below to find the March and April Lenten Challenge Calendar for 2025.  It provides daily scriptures to read through the season of Lent. March Lenten Challenge Calendar 2025  


Spring Forward