“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
Acts 2:42
Being an active follower of Jesus entails a life of continually growing in the knowledge and love of God. At Ozark UMC, we commit to Discover, Disciple, Connect, and Serve as we journey in faith together.
Small Groups
*Starting March 12th, we will be offering a class @ 6:30 pm on Wednesday evenings. We will also serve a meal at 5:30.
Small Group Available: The Book of Revelation Study
Facilitated by Pastor Jacob Schneider
*Sew Blessed This group of people want to share their love of all things sewing (crocheting & knitting too!) They work to make things and donate to people who have a need for that type of item.
*Tuesday Mornings with Sisters @ 9 am at Ozark UMC Room 118 (Sept – May)
*Men’s Bible study via ZOOM beginning on September 24th @ 6:30 am. This group studies a selected book of the Bible.
Contact David Bell by email:
*Coffee House Bible Study @ 9 am at Ozark UMC Coffee House. (year round) All you need is your Bible!
Connecting with others is a crucial aspect of following Jesus. We offer a variety of small group opportunities for study, discussion, fellowship and connection on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. Email us at adultministry@ozarkumc.org for more information on ways to connect.
In an effort to make fully- rounded and active followers of Jesus, we believe that service and mission are indispensable parts of the discipleship process. We seek to create adult ministry opportunities that include all aspects of Christian discipleship, including service to others. For more information about ways to get connected and serve, email us at adultministry@ozarkumc.org.
Sunday School
Join us Sunday Mornings for Sunday School at 9:15 am
We have several classes available for our adults. Email adultministry@ozarkumc.org for more details on the choices below:
Kingdom Seekers: A class for all ages utilizing Wesleyan material to study God’s Word. (Room 118)
Currently in the Winter 2024-2025 booklet of Following Jesus.
Contact: Chris
Communicators: A class for all ages, using mixed media (audio/written) to explore the many aspects of Christian living. (Room 214)
Bible study and discussion, often studying archaeology.
Currently working through booklets called Living a Transformed Life with Bible passages and discussion. 6-week themes have been Authenticity, Friendship, Faith. Contact: Margaret
Celebration of Discipline: Celebration of Disciplines is a class for all ages. Not designed to be a traditional Bible study but rather a discussion class designed to help grow in living a devoted life. Spiritual formation is best done in community with others who help us be accountable as we seek to grow to be more like Jesus. (Room 212)
We are currently using the book The Mystic in You; Discovering a God Filled World by Bruce Epperly. The book is used to promote discussion.
Contact: Sharon
Bible Basics: A group of all ages that strive to understand the Bible, as it is written and its application to our lives today. (Room 215)
Currently studying the book of II Corinthians.
Contact: Heather
Friends in Christ: A class which is reading/studying the Bible cover to cover. (Room 211)
Currently in the book of Psalms.
Contact: Dorrance
Faith Builders: A class for all ages, using mixed media. A variety of spiritual and Christian life topics are covered, usually following a book, paired with video lessons. (Room 208)
Contact: Brad