
Join us for our fifth Sunday potluck immediately after worship on Sunday, July 30th.


You are invited to join the ladies from Ozark UMC for a potluck breakfast on Saturday, July 22 at 9 am.  Bring a dish to share  and gather in Christian community. Invite friends!


The July focus items for our local missions partner Least of These food pantry are deodorant and cereal.


There are stories you never forget. There are others that you want to forget. There are stories that are undeniably life- changing. All of them play a significant role in our lives. There is one story that affects, […]


Ozark UMC senior high Youth will travel to Shreveport, Louisiana to participate in mission work through the Send Relief organization July 8th – July 14th. Their mission is to give  everyone in Shreveport access to restored life relationships, resources […]


The mission team is collecting school supplies for East Elementary. Grab a school supply list in the back of the Worship Center and help support our ministry partner East Elementary. Watch for more information and details regarding the […]


Due to a lack of participants, the CPR training scheduled for this Saturday, June 17th is cancelled.  Check our communications for a new date coming soon.


The book of Genesis provides the foundation for our understanding of God and creation.  It tells of God’s creative action to bring all things into being, of the goodness of what has been created, the brokenness of creation, […]


The June focus items for our local mission partner the Least of These food pantry are canned fruit and toilet paper. Pick up extras while out and about and drop them off at the church.


Save the date for our Missouri CPR training on Saturday, June 17, from 9 am – 11 am here at Ozark UMC.   There will be instructions for CPR and discussion of first aid techniques and using an AED […]
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