Does following Jesus feel like another program designed to help you become the best possible version of yourself? What if there was a different way? It’s time to ditch the preconceived notion that Jesus was just a self-help […]
A blessing of the pets is a ceremony that involves asking for God’s blessing on animals, particularly pets. The practice is often associated with St. Francis of Assisi, a monk who was known for his connection to animals. […]
This coming Sunday, our Worship Service will be a time to sing to the Lord and hear scripture read. We will sing chosen hymns, but will also have a time to request your favorite hymn. Come prepared Sunday […]
You can pick up a card this Sunday at the info desk or give Tracy a call in the office to sign up. 417-581-6853
We are no longer offering Live-Stream. In an effort to produce a better viewer experience, we are recording and uploading the service to YouTube shortly after the Worship Service. We appreciate your patience as we move in this direction.
The next 5th Sunday potluck is coming up on Sunday, September 29th, directly following the worship service. Bring a dish (or 2!) to share and invite a friend to join you.
Coffee & Grace Ladies Breakfast The next Potluck breakfast for women of the church will be on Saturday, September 28th @ 9 am. Bring a breakfast item to share and join in good food and fellowship!
The Youth Group is on break for now, but will resume activities on Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 6:30 PM for a Fall Ignite Kickoff event. They will have a bonfire, games, and snacks. Youth are encouraged to invite friends! For more […]
***If bags are not available, you can pick up a list of needed items in the back of the Worship Center and bring in grocery sacks. The items are also listed below!
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