
Mark your calendars for everything happening for Holy Week and Easter: April  2 – Palm Sunday – we will start worship outside April  5-7 – Journey to the Cross prayer walk – prepare to celebrate Easter by journeying through Christ’s […]


Wednesday night connect meal, adult studies, youth and children’s activities are cancelled tonight due to Spring Break. Join us on March 22nd for the next connect night!


Our ministry partner Ozark East Elementary is in need of a few supplies. Headphones (no earbuds), crayons, underwear (boys & girls ages 4-6, elastic waist pants (boys & girls), bottled glue, or money to be used for the […]


The Missions Team would like to invite you to join them at Ozark Nursing and Care Facility (1486 N Riverside Rd, Ozark, MO 65721) on Sunday, March 19th, directly after the Worship Service, to sing songs and connect […]


The March focus items for our missions partner Least of These food pantry are ketchup, mustard, and toilet paper. Pick up extras while out shopping and drop them off at the church.


Our ministry partner Ozark East Elementary is in need of a few supplies.  Headphones (no ear buds), crayons, underwear (boys & girls ages 4-6, elastic waist pants (boys & girls), bottled glue, or money to be used for […]
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