Cub Scout Pack 75 is holding their smoked ham holiday fundraiser. Click on the link below for the order form. 2021 Holiday Ham Order Form
The October focus items for the Least of These is canned potatoes and canned chili. Pick up some of these items while you are shopping and bring to OUMC and place in the Least of These trunk, located […]
Beginning Sunday, October 3, OUMC will go to one Worship Service at 10:30 am, with Sunday School at 9:15 am. We will not have children’s Worship for this service, but will have a “Children’s Moment” for all ages […]
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, insisted that Christian faith was more than just a set of beliefs or a feeling. Faith changes our lives and results in faithful action in the world. The New […]
Ozark UMC celebrates holy communion the 1st Sunday of each month. This month we will celebrate communion on September 5th. Please grab a to-go communion cup before you enter the Worship Center. You can stop by the […]
The September focus items for our local mission partner the “Least of These” food pantry are canned vegetables and deodorant. Pick up some of these items each time you are at the store and bring them to Ozark […]
Family Worship Sunday This coming Sunday, August 29, we will have one worship service at 10:30 am, with Sunday School at 9:15. This will be a time of family worship, so no children’s worship will be offered. We […]
Ozark UMC will have one Worship Service on Sunday, August 22 at 10:30 am. Sunday School will be available at 9:15 am. This will be a family Worship service, so no children’s services will be available.
The school year is right around the corner, and what better way to start if off right than to gather together for worship, food and fellowship! On Sunday, August 22nd, we will gather together for one worship service […]
Click here to find the sign up form or scan the QR code with your cellphone camera for the Fall Classes and meals beginning September 1. Wednesday Connect Night Beginning September 1, join us every Wednesday night throughout […]
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