What does it mean to be a disciple? Ultimately, discipleship is our response to Jesus’ invitation to “Come, follow me.” It is an invitation to accept and be a part of the Good News that Jesus came proclaiming, […]
During the Advent and Christmas seasons the focus turns to that silent, holy night 2000 years ago when things were calm and bright. At least that is how we typically think about it. When we dig into what […]
The bible is filled with stories of characters who faced significant failures. They faced failures that could have easily defined their lives, but instead became stepping stones on their paths to redemption and triumph. All of us can […]
The disciples are all gathered together wondering what to make of things after Jesus was crucified.  Some of the women went to Jesus’ tomb to find that it was empty.  An angel appeared to them there and informed […]
  The new calendar year is typically a time when many resolve to make some changes and to start fresh.  After a year with so many challenges, many of us are probably feeling like we need to call […]


The word advent means ‘coming’ or ‘arrival’.  The Christian season of advent is a season of waiting and preparing for God’s arrival into our midst.  Advent is also two-fold: it is a season of waiting and preparing to […]
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