Please take a moment to watch the following video regarding upcoming services for this week and for the next few weeks, including our Christmas Eve services. To recap (or for those unable to watch the video at this […]


Amidst the expectation of advent — the hope, love, joy, and peace — many among us struggle during the holiday season. Ozark UMC’s Congregational Care Ministry exists to provide care year round for those struggling physically, mentally, emotionally, […]


Advent is a season of waiting and preparing for the coming of Christ anew. No two words better sum up the life of Ozark UMC student ministry this year than “waiting” and “preparing”. Student ministries director Mike Randle […]


For many, advent is defined, in part, by the sounds and songs of the season. Many of us have a favorite song we look forward to singing in worship during the holiday season. The Ozark UMC praise team […]
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