The Ozark United Methodist Church invites you to take a breather from the Christmas rush to experience a Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion service on Sunday, December 24 at 4:00 p.m. or  7:00 p.m.

Here are some things to expect when you join us on Christmas Eve:

* Feel free to come as you are!  You’ll find people dressed in everything from casual to formal.

* Grab a warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate in the Coffee House as you come in.  You’re welcome to bring it into the worship service with you.

* Each service will last about an hour and will include Christmas music, singing Christmas carols, hearing the message “Go! Emmanuel, God is with us“, Holy Communion, and will end with everyone holding lighted candles, and singing “Silent Night.”  Battery operated candles will be available.  Nursery will be available for the 4 pm service.

We hope you will join us here at the Ozark United Methodist Church for the Christmas Eve service of your choice (4 or 7) as we celebrate the birth of Christ and the joy that comes in singing the song of a Savior, who is Christ, the Lord!







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