For over three thousand years Jewish families have celebrated Passover.  Every year Jewish families
gather around a table to share a Passover meal together and celebrate God’s deliverance of his
people from slavery in Egypt.

Jesus celebrated this festival every year of his life.  It was this celebration which was at the center of
his last meal on earth.  From this meal he went first to the garden to pray, and then to the cross.
This meal has meaning for us.  On Maundy Thursday, April 17th, you are invited to participate in a
Christian Seder.  We will gather around tables and share a seder meal to help us remember God’s
mighty acts of deliverance.
In order to prepare for this event reservations are necessary.  There will be a sign up table outside the
worship center following worship.  Someone will be there to answer any questions you may have. If you are unable to sign up in person, Click Here to sign up.  Nursery will be provided, so make sure to let us know if  your child up  to age 5  will attend. If you have any questions, contact Debbie at .


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