
Holy Week Services

Holy Week is what we call the week leading up to the celebration of Easter.  Starting on Palm Sunday, we will focus on and remember Jesus’ last days on earth, including his final commandment, as well as his Crucifixion.  These we will remember during our Maundy (Holy) Thursday and Good Friday services, culminating in our celebration on Easter.

  • Palm SundaySunday, March 28 @ 8:30am & 11am—With palms waiving, we will remember and celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and the start of his Passion.
  • Maundy (Holy) ThursdayThursday, April 1 @ 7pm—In-person and via livestream on Facebook and Youtube—The word ‘maundy’, from the Latin mandatum, means ‘commandment’. Maundy Thursday, therefore, is a special time set aside for us to remember Jesus’ last moments with his disciples as they gathered in the Upper Room, and the final, greatest commandment he gave.
  • Good FridayFriday, April 2 @ 7pm—In-person and via livestream on Facebook and Youtube—Good Friday is the crucially important day that we remember that Jesus died, and the world was covered in darkness. We also remember, however, that this day is good, because we are left with the hope of resurrection.
  • Easter SundaySunday, April 4 @ 8:30am, 9:45am, & 11am—In-person, with livestream at 8:30am and then made available online afterward—This is the day that defines us as followers of Jesus! Christ is forever risen!


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