What does it mean to be a disciple? Ultimately, discipleship is our response to Jesus’ invitation to “Come, follow me.” It is an invitation to accept and be a part of the Good News that Jesus came proclaiming, not only through his actions, but in and through his very being. Discipleship in Christ Jesus is about being different, and doing things differently, as we become more and more like Christ. This entails a transformative process that is both individual and communal. Through this sermon series, we are going to explore that process, take stock of where we are in that process, and renew our commitment to that process. Together, we will discover the grace and joy of what it means to be a church of committed disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Mark 1:16-20

John 21:1-14

John 21:15-19

Acts 2:29-39; 10:34-38


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