Lay leadership at Ozark UMC is one way to be involved in directing and implementing the vision, mission, and operation of the church. Ozark United Methodist Church has adopted the Simplified Administrative Structure of Committees. We have One Leadership Team that encompasses Finance, Pastor Parish Relations and Trustees. This team is the governing board for the church. They are allowed to add subcomittees. We also have a separate nominating committee who votes for new members to be appointed on January 1.  

Leadership Team 

The Leadership Council is made of lay leaders from the other lay committees and is primarily responsible for establishing, maintaining, and keeping the congregation accountable to the vision and mission of the church. The Leadership Team also acts as the church finance committee, establishing the yearly budget and managing the church’s financial resources. They also are in charge of the building and the staff.  

2025 Leadership Team Members

Amanda Tummons
(Council Chair)

David Whitham
(Lay Member to Annual Conference)

Susan Smith
(Trustees Representative)

                                                           Randy Dysart                                                               (PPRC Chair)

Don Hawk

Sandi Beaver

Jim Ryan

Darrel Scheperle

David Atchison

Roger Williams

Dave Dingman

Dorrance Haught 

Drew Haught 

Dondi Avondet

Meredith Kropf 

For more information about lay leadership at Ozark UMC, or about ways to get involved, email us at .