Jacob Schneider
Pastor Jacob is passionate about proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through word and action, and about helping others grow in their knowledge and love of God. He is excited about what God has done, is doing, and has yet to do at Ozark UMC as we live into our mission of “Leading people to actively follow Jesus Christ.”

David Bell
Congregational Care Director
David is passionate about growing in his faith and helping others grow closer to Jesus. David moved to the Ozarks to be near to his family after retiring from pastoral ministry in Kansas. His experience in ministry and providing spiritual care for others makes him unique and has invaluable experience that will help him in his role as Congregational Care Coordinator. When not serving at Ozark UMC, David can be found spending time with his wife, Debbie, and the rest of his family, especially his grandchildren. He also enjoys playing guitar, working in the yard, golfing and woodworking projects.
Lindsay Ash
Children’s Ministry Director
Lindsay loves working with the church’s youngest members and helping connect across the generations at OUMC. She has been serving as Children’s Ministries Director since July of 2023 but has been serving in different capacities of Children’s Ministries since 1995. Lindsay is a lifelong member of OUMC and was baptized as a baby here in 1980.
Lindsay hopes to help children develop in their faith and develop a love of God and church that they will carry into adulthood.
Outside of OUMC, Lindsay is a wife, mom, and eighth grade science teacher. She loves to spend time with her family, sew, and visit National Parks
You can contact her at the following email:

Melissa Vigneaux
Worship Ministry Director
Melissa is our new Worship Ministry Director. She is not new to the position, as she has graciously filled in when we needed help. You might recognize her as our former youth ministry director. She is very passionate about music and making the worship service engaging. Outside of OUMC, Melissa is a wife, mom and former Kindergarten teacher. And as you can tell by her jersey, she loves her “Chiefs” and attends all the home games.
You can contact her at the following email:

Tracy Ryan
Hilltop Preschool Director, Ozark UMC Administrative Assistant
Tracy brings the light and laughter of Jesus into everything she does. She not only directs the pre-school program, but she orchestrates the daily activities of the church office. Coordinating schedules, communication efforts, small group sign-ups and project details, Tracy is all over it. The pre-school kids call her “funny” and “huggable”. If you don’t believe them, give her a hug and find out!