Beginning September 7, join us every Wednesday night throughout the fall for an evening of connecting and growing with God and one another!  We will have opportunities for junior high youth, high school youth and adults.   And be sure to sign up on our website for which class you would like to join in on, as well as any ways you can serve. If you are unable to sign up on the website, please contact Tracy in the church office to let her know which class you would like to attend, and/or if you can help in the kitchen.  (  or 581-6853)  See you September 7!

Wednesday Schedule
5:45-6:30pm – Fellowship meal
6:30-8pm – Classes

Adult Classes:  

The Fulfillment: Jesus and the Old Testament – Pastor David Bell

The Old Testament is both common and strange to many Christians . On one hand, it contains some of the most familiar stories known to us, while on the other hand, it can be intimidating and difficult to understand.  However, to lack a basic knowledge of the Old Testament is a great hindrance to fully grasping how Jesus Christ fulfills ideals and expectations that were set in motion hundreds and thousands of years before.
Many stories of many leaders are woven into the Old Testament.  In The Fulfillment: Jesus and the Old Testament, Timothy Tennent focuses on four—those of Adam, Abraham, Moses, and David—that are of such immense importance that every Christian must know how to relate to them.
In this seven week study, you will read and discuss The Fulfillment and selected biblical texts.  You will also come to appreciate the Old Testament more fully and see with even greater clarity the full power and revelation of Jesus Christ. The cost of the book is $10.

Hebrews: Grace and Gratitude – Pastor Jacob Schneider

There is no better time than now for us to dig deeper into the nature of grace and gratitude.  In this study we will trace the themes of grace and gratitude through the unique book of Hebrews.  We will discover a bold perspective on who Jesus is and what he has done, as well as a powerful reflection on the meaning and significance of his death and resurrection in light of the Old Testament.  As you read and study this letter, you will receive a deeper appreciation for the salvation we have received through Christ and hear afresh God’s call to a life of gratitude and faithfulness. The book cost is $10.


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