Next time you are out shopping, pick up these items for our partner in ministry The Least of These food pantry. Drop them by the church or bring them with you on Sunday morning and place in the […]
Join us on Sunday, October 30th for Trunk or Treat! 5:00 pm -When the BonFire Dies. How can you help? Fill out this google form to let us know! Host a trunk […]
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7 Our church lay leadership and Pastor Jacob […]
The Trustee Committee has scheduled a workday here at Ozark UMC on Saturday, October 8 from 9 am – 1 pm. All are welcome to help clean, purge, work on lights and other maintenance of the building. We […]
The focus items for the Least of These is Chicken Broth and Laundry Detergent. Grab some of these items while you are out shopping and drop them off in the trunk near the Worship Center entrance.
Have you ever thought much about what is involved in our commitment to be Christians? To be committed to Christ, and to following in his footsteps, is the very definition of what it means to be a Christian […]
Confirmation Class will start soon! This class is for students 6th grade and up to 18 years of age that are interested in learning about various aspects of the Christianity faith, the United Methodist Church, and the Ozark […]
Are you new to OUMC? Are you looking to get connected into the life of the church? Would you like to get to know more about OUMC, our beliefs, and ways that you can live out your faith […]
Beginning September 7, join us every Wednesday night throughout the fall for an evening of connecting and growing with God and one another! We will have opportunities for junior high youth, high school youth and adults. And be […]
We have daily scripture readings for our August Sermon Series – Greater Things. Each week will be a new set of readings through the month of August. Click on the links for the scriptures for each week during […]
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