
All throughout scripture we find various portraits of God’s nature.  God is described as being like a king, a priest, a shepherd, a judge, etc.  It is through this analogous language that we gain a fuller knowledge of God’s nature and, through Christ, a full understanding of who God is, what he has and is doing, and who we are made to be.  The Church, throughout much of its history has devoted the last few weeks of the Christian calendar year to proclaim God’s nature.  This culminates on the last week of the Christian year, before the start of a new year in the season of Advent, with the celebration of Christ the King.  Taking our cues from church history, we are going to spend three weeks in November digging into what scripture says about God’s nature, and what that means for us.  What does it mean for God in Christ to be our King, our Shepherd, our Lord, and our Savior?  As we near the start of a new Christian year, and the season of Advent, what does God want us to know about who he is?  What does that mean for us as individuals, and as a church community?  Join us through November as we dig into these important and life-giving questions.


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