
The March focus items for our local mission partner the “Least of These” food pantry is pasta and toilet bowl cleaner.  Help us stock the food pantry shelves by picking up some of these items each time you […]


This Sunday, February 7,  we will celebrate Communion during our in-person Worship and with our online viewers.  We will have “Communion to go” cups for our in-person Worship.  Please make sure you grab the cups before entering the […]


Join us on February 17 @ 7pm in-person and via livestream on Facebook and Youtube as we gather together at the start of the Lenten season on Ash Wednesday.  Marking the beginning of the Lenten fast, Ash Wednesday […]
So, you have made the choice to follow Jesus.  You can say, “I believe.”  You find yourself standing on one side of the river having declared your belief, and are simply waiting to be whisked off to the […]
The February focus items for our local mission partner the “Least of These” food pantry is rice and laundry detergent.  Help us stock the food pantry shelves by picking up some of these items each time you are […]


  Ozark UMC will have in person worship services beginning Sunday, January 17 at 8:30 & 11 am.  We will celebrate communion January 17, so if you are worshiping from home, please have juice/water and cracker/bread ready.


The January focus items for our local mission partner the “Least of These” food pantry is macaroni & cheese and dish soap.  Help us stock the food pantry shelves by picking up some of these items each time […]
  The new calendar year is typically a time when many resolve to make some changes and to start fresh.  After a year with so many challenges, many of us are probably feeling like we need to call […]
Please take a moment to watch the following video regarding upcoming services for this week and for the next few weeks, including our Christmas Eve services. To recap (or for those unable to watch the video at this […]
Join the Ozark UMC Family ministries online Christmas Program on Friday, December 11 at 7:00 pm.  Grab some Christmas cookies and wear your pajamas and watch from your home,  as the children and youth of the church provide […]
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