July 2022 Sermon Series – Truth Thrown Alongside: Parables of Jesus The Pharisees and others in power accused Jesus of evil and blasphemy. From then on, Jesus spoke to them in parables. Para = alongside. Ballo = thrown. […]
The Book of Psalms is unique in that it expresses the full spectrum of human joys and sorrows, thanksgivings and agonies, praises and penitence to God. The Bible is God’s message to us, but the Psalms are […]
Sunday, January 2nd Sermon is called Covenant. As we begin a new calendar year, we begin by renewing the covenant which God has made with us. This is a time to start fresh, and the recommit to a […]
Our January 2022 Sermon Series “Becoming: The Faith of 1 Peter” will begin Sunday, January 9th. With the start of a new year, come new opportunities. Opportunities to make a fresh start, to commit to making life changes, […]
Advent Sermon Series- The Heart Grew Three Sizes Throughout the season of Advent, in our sermon series The Heart That Grew Three Sizes, we will take a look at Dr. Seuss’s beloved children’s story, How the Grinch Stole Christmas! […]
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, insisted that Christian faith was more than just a set of beliefs or a feeling. Faith changes our lives and results in faithful action in the world. The New […]
Jesus calls us to be fully committed to him, his way of life, and his mission in the world. In short, he calls us to be ‘ALL IN’ because there’s no other way for his people to be! […]
Missio Dei. Latin for the ‘mission of God’. We worship a missional God who sends a missionary Church into the world to embody the Kingdom of God, proclaim the good news to our neighbors, and witness to God’s […]
Join us this week as we kick off a new sermon series with today’s sermon “Reviving A Vision”. Our scripture comes from Acts 2: 36-41.
Join us this week as we kick off a new sermon series with today’s sermon “Reviving A Vision”. Our scripture comes from Acts 2: 36-41.
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