The Ozark United Methodist Church (Ozark UMC) invites you to experience the Christmas Eve candlelight communion service of your choice on Friday, December 24, at 4:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., or 11:00 p.m.  Join others from our community to remember and celebrate God’s appearance long ago in Bethlehem’s manager…an appearance that can still change everything!


Here are some things to expect on Christmas Eve at Ozark UMC:


* Feel free to come as you are!  You’ll find people dressed in everything from casual to formal.


* Find your way into the Worship Center and relax to the sounds of the season.


* Each service will last about an hour and will include: Christmas music, singing Christmas carols, a children’s Christmas story time, hearing the Christmas story and message, Holy Communion, and a traditional ending with candle lighting and singing “Silent Night.”

We look forward to seeing you on Christmas Eve!  For more information, contact the Ozark UMC office at 581-6853.



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