Ozark UMC is collecting school supplies that will be given to teachers at East Elementary for this school year. Teachers will hand out the supplies as needed, in case a child doesn’t have one of the items listed. […]
The focus items for the Least of These is canned vegetables and 4 pack of toilet paper. Grab some while out shopping and place them in the trunk in the mail hallway.
We all come to communities of faith with expectations. We have expectations of what to expect when we gather, of what we’ll do, sometimes even of who will be there. We have expectations of those who lead […]
Join us on Sunday, August 21 @ 12 pm for our Back to School Sunday. We will have “blessings the backpacks” during our 10:30 am Worship Service, followed by a cookout, ice cream social & fellowship. Save the […]
We would like to welcome Lindsay Ash to the Ozark United Methodist Church staff as the new Children’s Ministry Director. We look forward to working with Lindsay as her enthusiasm and heart for children is contagious! You can […]
July 2022 Sermon Series – Truth Thrown Alongside: Parables of Jesus The Pharisees and others in power accused Jesus of evil and blasphemy. From then on, Jesus spoke to them in parables. Para = alongside. Ballo = thrown. […]
The July Focus items for our ministry partner The Least of These is deodorant and sugar free Jelly. Grab some while you are out shopping and bring them to church with you.
The June Focus Items for our Ministry Partner The Least of These are canned soup and saltine crackers. While out shopping, grab a few of these needed items and drop off in the chest, just outside of the […]
Eagle Lake Day Camp Volunteers are needed! There are several opportunities to help make the camp run smoothly, even if you have a couple of hours to help! Positions available: Kitchen help, Before & After Care, Check-in & […]
Hey Kids! It’s not too late to join in the fun of our summer day camp, coming June 27-July 1, 2022. The camp is for kids ages 7-12 and operates from 9 am – 4 pm. Use your […]
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