So, you have made the choice to follow Jesus.  You can say, “I believe.”  You find yourself standing on one side of the river having declared your belief, and are simply waiting to be whisked off to the other side where eternal glory is to be found.  Soon, though, you discover that there is a bridge that you must journey across in order to reach the other side.  This bridge is called the Christian life.  To say, “I believe,” is just the first step in a lifelong journey of becoming more like Jesus.

Starting in February, and carrying us through the Lenten season, we are going to explore what it means and looks like to journey across the bridge of life.  We will seek to bring to light who we are to be, the kind of character we are to cultivate, and how we are called to live as followers of Jesus.  Join us as we discover more fully a life of following Jesus, After We Believe.


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